Our Statement of Faith
We believe in one God who alone is to be worshipped, who rules the universe and created everything. He has revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Father: Holy, Almighty and loving, the source of all goodness, truth and life.
We believe in the Son, one with the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ who was sent into the world by the Father's love, conceived by the Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He was crucified for our sins and raised from the dead by the power of God. He now sits at the Father's right hand praying and advocating for His Church and will return to judge everyone on earth. Then every knee will bow before Him in honor and every person will agree that Jesus always has been, is now, and always will be Lord.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, one with the Father and Son, who inspired the Scriptures, who by His grace brings to new spiritual birth all who believe in Jesus through repentance, who lives in them as a guarantee of eternal life, empowers them for holy living and loving relationships, and distributes to them gifts of power for service and ministry.
We believe that human beings were created in God's image, but were alienated from God because of sin and now live in a sin-damaged world. We, therefore, are unable to restore the broken relationship ourselves. God, in His love and mercy, through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, restores those who believe and repent, giving them a new birth, new identity, and new nature.
We believe God brings all His new-born children into His family, the Church. This eternal body is revealed in the local church wherever His people gather for worship, relationship, teaching, and service around His Word. As Lord of His Church, Jesus directs us to tell everyone everywhere about Him so that they too might follow Him and be saved from eternal judgment. One day He will come and gather all His Church to be with Him in heaven's glory forever.
We believe that the Church is the body of Jesus on earth and God's family. Through these family relationships, God utilizes His Spirit to promote unity, to cause healing, to exercise His gifts, and to mobilize a great army of Christ-followers who join with Him in the fight against the evil, demonic powers of darkness at work both in our world here and in the heavenly places.
We believe in the Bible as God's inspired, timeless and relevant Word to all people. In it He reveals the truth which we believe and commit to follow. It is completely trustworthy and our authoritative guide for conduct as individuals, as families and as a Church.